
I’m notorious for starting projects and not finishing them. The reasons for not finishing: boredom, a mistake I can’t figure out how to fix, running out of materials, busy with other stuff, learned the technique I wanted to learn, process over product, you can guess some more I bet…

This is one of those projects. I started it about a year ago and > got busy, ran out of materials, got bored. I’m finishing it now so I can have a lightweight quilt for the summer. Front view is all the stripes, back view is pieced from stuff I could find around the house. I made the backing too big and liked the size so I decided to add to the top. I had to go buy more batik, of course….



The plan is to extend the top, and get the quilt sandwich pinned before I go away this weekend. Wish me luck!

8 thoughts on “Completions”

  1. Stopping by from Effy Wild’s blog-along. I love your quilt! And I completely relate to your “start but never finish/process over product” comments. I also have a quilt started, but it’s currently in a bag in my studio awaiting the gift of my time to finish it. Seeing yours might just be the push I need to get it out and going again. 🙂

  2. I can relate, I, too, tend to start projects but not finish them, I have too many unfinished projects to count. I am a big fan of batik fabric, love the quilt

  3. Hi, Lisa. Love your quilt…colors are beautiful. I, too am guilty of not finishing projects, for all the reasons you gave plus one – I get sidetracked by something else I want to try. There are just so many wonderful creative things to learn!

  4. That’s so beautiful! I have sock monkey that is 3/4 of the way finished. I messed up on his head and put it away years ago. I need to finish it. thanks for the push!

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