Quilt 2.0

Well, I successfully added some strips to make my quilt top match the size of the backing I pieced. I managed to find a time when cats and dogs and people weren’t tromping around the living room area and I laid out the backing. Hmm….not as square as I would like, and it’s not as flat as it should be.  I layered the batting and then the top. Pretty good match for size, I needed to make some adjustments for the skew of the back layer. Fighting my perfectionistic streak with all of my being, I pinned. 

When I was all done, I flipped the quilt sandwich over to see how it looked. It was bad. The skew of the backing was just too much, making some giant puckered areas. I tried to see if I could live with it. It’s not like I am planning on selling it. In my heart I knew I couldn’t leave it like that. 

I folded the whole thing up and put it on the shelf. I’m going to give it a week, I’m setting myself a deadline. I will see if I can adjust the backing somehow, and if that doesn’t work, I’ll make a new back.

Color me disappointed and frustrated, but not beaten.

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